
From the Principal's Desk

This college is situated in the heart of the Bermo coalfield area, the place where I was born and brought up. Since my early days, I have seen this area from an educational point of view.

I have seen how a girl child was deprived of higher education just because there was no women’s College in our city. In those days sending a girl child to another city was not an easy task. Guardians were worried about the safety of their child and they did not have enough resources to manage the stay of their child in another town. This led to the dropout of girl students in large numbers.

In the early 80s, my elder brother and philanthropist Late Kailash Singh decided to establish a women’s college in this area. It was an act that was much needed and awaited in this area. I readily associated myself with this social work and over the period of time, I was bestowed with the post of principal of this college. I took it as an opportunity and responsibility to give quality education to the girls of our locality.

I believe that education should be delivered in a safe and disciplined environment. An educational institute should act as a fertile land that nurtures the growth and development of children. It’s the responsibility of the institute to enrich the minds of students for their better life ahead. I try to make the student believe that hard work done in the right direction would make them strong enough to realize their dream. An only educated person with high human values makes a better society and nation.

Prof. Smiti Sinha

Principal- JSM College, Phusro